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Becoming a Liquidity Provider 🔄
- What do I need in order to provide liquidity on Hop?
- What is the fee Liquidity Providers are earning?
- How do I get Hop Tokens?
- Is there another way to get Hop tokens?
- Do I need to provide the Hop token and its native equivalent in equal weights to the AMM?
- How does a Hop token hold its peg with its native counterpart (e.g 1hUSDC = USDC)?
- How does a rogue chain affect Liquidity Providers on other chains?
The Bonder Role 💰
- What does “The Bonder” do?
- Who can become a Bonder?
- What is a "Transfer Root"?
- What is a "transfer bond"?
Still didn't answer your question? 😶
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